"你要离开本地、本族、父家…。" 创12:1
1 耶和华对亚伯兰说: "你要离开本地、本族、父家, 往我所要指示你的地去。
2 我必叫你成为大国。我必赐福给你, 叫你的名为大; 你也要叫别人得福。
3 为你祝福的, 我必赐福与他; 那咒诅你的, 我必咒诅他。地上的万族都要因你得福。"

  如果家是心系之所在, 人为什么仍要离开家呢? 亚伯兰离开他的家, 因为这个地方不适合他居住。当时吾珥的人只看重自己家的名声, 在巴别的日子以后, 每一个家庭都是这样的了。然而, 人需要神, 多过需要他们的族人, 甚至多过需要他们的家人。

  哪会有什么东西比家人更重要的呢? 是什么东西帮助家庭运作的呢? 有什么因素造成一个美满家庭呢? 是什么为家庭带来安全感呢? 读过创世记中亚当和挪亚家庭的故事, 我们不得不承认, 作为父母和兄弟姊妹, 我们很快便会失去我们的仁慈、爱心, 和忍耐。每一个家庭, 包括我们自己在内, 都需要重生。

  亚伯兰离开他安全的家, 把前面的路交托给神, 他开始了新的家庭生活方式, 他让神切断培育他往日的生活的根, 神便把他和撒莱重新植在新的土地上。

  摩押人路得也同样离开她的家乡(路得记1), 婆婆拿俄米的神就是她的神, 她将来甚至会葬在拿俄米的地方。和亚伯兰一样, 路得离开她的家乡, 得到新的生命, 开始一个新的家庭的生活。

  今日, 你希望挽救你的家吗?

  你当放下旧的生活方式, 效法亚伯兰、撒莱, 和路得, 让耶稣基督为祢建造新的家庭生活。

  祂说: "来跟从我!"(马可福音1:17)。


主啊, 我为我的家感谢祢。求祢帮助我首先爱祢, 以致我更懂得去爱我的家人, 又加强我的信心, 信得过祢会赐我们一切所需的。奉耶稣的名求, 阿们。

(听歌默想: 挪亚方舟 (关心妍) 土豆   YouTube )

Genesis 12:1-3
"Go from your country, your people and your father's household . . . ." Genesis 12:1

If home is where the heart is, why leave it? Abram left his home because it was the wrong place to be. Ur was concerned about its own reputation, and everyone's homes after the days of Babel were like that. But people need God more than they need their fellow citizens—or even their family.

How can anyone be more important than family? Well, what makes a family run? What makes it good? What gives it security? The family stories in Genesis that involve Adam and Noah push us to admit that we, parents and siblings, quickly run out of our own resources of goodness, love, and patience. Every family, including our own, must be born again.

When Abram left the security of his family and entrusted his future to God, he began a new family life. He let God cut the roots that nourished his past way of life, and God replanted him and Sarai in new soil.

Ruth, a Moabite, left her home too (Ruth 1). Naomi's God would be hers. She would even be buried in Naomi's land. Like Abram, Ruth left home to be born again to a new family life.

You want to save your home?

Set your old life aside, as Abram and Sarai and Ruth did, and let Jesus Christ build you a new family life.

"Come, follow me!" he says (Mark 1:17).


Thank you, Lord, for my family. Help me to love you first of all, that I may love my family better. Strengthen me to trust in you for everything I need. In Jesus' name, Amen.