"耶和华使他们从那里分散在全地上。" 创11:9
1 那时, 天下人的口音、言语都是一样。
2 他们往东边迁移的时候, 在示拿地遇见一片平原, 就住在那里。
3 他们彼此商量说: "来吧!我们要做砖, 把砖烧透了。"他们就拿砖当石头, 又拿石漆当灰泥。
4 他们说: "来吧!我们要建造一座城和一座塔, 塔顶通天, 为要传扬我们的名, 免得我们分散在全地上。"
5 耶和华降临, 要看看世人所建造的城和塔。
6 耶和华说: "看哪, 他们成为一样的人民, 都是一样的言语, 如今既做起这事来, 以后他们所要做的事就没有不成就的了。
7 我们下去, 在那里变乱他们的口音, 使他们的言语彼此不通。"
8 于是耶和华使他们从那里分散在全地上; 他们就停工, 不造那城了。
9 因为耶和华在那里变乱天下人的言语, 使众人分散在全地上, 所以那城名叫巴别。

  建造宏伟的城市和巍峨的大楼本来不是问题, 而我们设计及建筑的智慧都是神所赐的。然而, 我们这些智慧中必需包括着一个信念: 楼房始终会倒塌, 唯有神是永远长存的, 祂才是我们真正的倚靠。

  挪亚的后裔很想在示拿的平原传扬自己的名, 他们准备用砖和灰泥建造一个高塔通到天上。他们骄傲地说: "我们将要像神一样!没有人能使我们分散, 我们永远不会离开这个由我们建造的城。"殊不知耶和华下来, 把他们分散各地。

  数个世纪之后, 神吩咐所罗门建造圣殿, 祂的荣耀便降临殿里, 好叫祂的子民能在祂面前, 同心合意地生活。可是, 他们竟把圣殿变为贼窝, 于是神便丢弃了圣殿, 把祂的子民分散在全地上。

  "巴别"是"变乱"的意思, 神用这个名字来代表那些追求自己的名声的人, 特别是那些滥用神建造的圣殿的人。

  藉着圣灵的能力, 基督从分散到各地的人中招聚活石, 祂使用这些活石, 来建造一座带着祂的名和永不朽坏的灵宫。耶稣说: "我要把我的教会建造…"(马太福音16:18)。"在天下人间, 没有赐下别的名, 我们可以靠着得救"(使徒行传4:12)。


神啊, 感谢祢, 因为当人为自己的名去建造, 结果倒塌时, 祢为自己的名建立了那不会倒塌的教会。求祢按祢的旨意, 像塑造活石那样塑造我, 使我能成为教会坚固的一员。奉耶稣独一的名祈求, 阿们。

(听歌默想: 挪亚方舟 (关心妍) 土豆   YouTube )

Genesis 11:1-9
"From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth." Genesis 11:9

There's nothing wrong with great cities and beautiful buildings. We receive wisdom from God to design our living spaces. But wise craftsmanship needs to be coupled with the knowledge that things in themselves do not last. We can count only on God for eternity.

Noah's descendants wanted to make a name for themselves on the plain of Shinar. There, with their bricks and mortar, they would reach the heavens: "We shall be like gods! No one will destroy our unity. We'll never leave this place we have built." And the Lord came down and scattered them all over the earth.

Centuries later, God's glory took up residence in the temple God had told Solomon to build, so that his people could live united in and by his presence. But when they converted the temple into a den of thieves, God abandoned it and scattered his people all over the earth. "Babel," which means "confusion," is God's name for all who seek their own reputation, especially those who abuse the temple God has built.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ gathers living stones from among the scattered peoples on earth. With these he builds an indestructible spiritual house that carries his name: "I will build my church," Jesus said (Matthew 16:18). "There is no other name given under heaven by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).


Thank you, Lord, for building and maintaining the church of Jesus Christ. Like a living stone, shape me and mold me according to your will. In Jesus' name alone, Amen.